Welcome to the FSB Privacy Hub
We would all like to think that when we give our personal information to businesses, they’ll treat it right, give it the respect it deserves, and cherish it as one of the most valuable assets any business can have at its disposal.
When it comes to your privacy, we have one mission: to ensure that everything we do is fair, expected, ethical and necessary to benefit the self-employed and small businesses that we represent.
We want you to fully understand everything we do with your data, so that you can make informed choices about what you provide us with, and what you want us to do with that information. That’s why we’ve created our Privacy Hub. One place, for all of FSB, where you can find out about when we collect your data, why we need it, what it’s used for, who will used it, for how long, and how you can exercise your rights over it.
Our Data Governance team are working hard in the background to continuously revitalise and refresh our policies, procedures and drive FSB to set unrivalled standards of transparency with you. Keep an eye on these pages to see the latest developments in our drive to embrace ethical data usage that benefits everyone.