The Federation of Small Businesses is the trading name of the National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Limited.
Our registered office is:
Sir Frank Whittle Way,
Blackpool Business Park,
FY4 2FE.
Our company number is 1263540 and our Data Protection registration number is Z7356876. We are a non-profit making organisation.
Follow this link for a full list of FSB Directors.
Subsidiary Companies
We have the following trading subsidiary companies:
FSB (Member Services) Limited
FSB Publications Limited
FSB Recruitment Limited
FSB HR Services Limited
Contacting FSB
If you wish to contact FSB about our Privacy Statement or any other matter, please find full details on our Contact Us page.
Annual Reports and Accounts
Please find our previous and current Annual Reports and Accounts here.
What we do
FSB exists to serve the interests of our Members. Our core objectives are set out in our Articles of Association.