Under the data protection legislation, you are given a number of rights with regard to how and when FSB may process your Personal Data.
These rights apply to any processing of your personal data by National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Limited (FSB) or our subsidiary companies,
- FSB (Member Services) Limited, company number 02875304,
- FSB Publications Limited, company number 01222258,
- FSB Recruitment Limited, company number 07836252,
all of which are registered at Sir Frank Whittle Way, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool FY4 2FE.
You should read and understand these rights in conjunction with FSB’s Privacy Policies contained within our Privacy Hub which set out the reasons why FSB collect and process your personal data according to the relationship(s) you hold with us.
Please be aware that some services provided under the FSB brand are delivered by contracted partners and as such, FSB may not hold data about your specific relationship with those partners and may be unable to complete a rights request for this reason. You may however still make your request via FSB, and we will forward such requests to the relevant partners and inform you when we do this.
How do I exercise my rights?
You can make your request to anyone at FSB or by email at [email protected], or by post to the following address;
FAO Data Privacy Team
National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Limited (FSB)
Sir Frank Whittle Way
Do I have to pay a fee?
You do not have to pay any fee to exercise your rights over the personal information that we hold and process.
FSB are however allowed to charge a reasonable fee if;
- your request is manifestly unfounded, where it appears you have no clear intention to access the information or your request is malicious in intent and the request to harass FSB with no real purposes other than to cause that disruption.
- your request is repetitive, where we have already given you the information you request and you want a further copy, or your requests for date based, information are made for consecutive periods rather than as a single wider range.
- your request is excessive, where you have already made a request and submit a further request or repeats the substance of previous requests where a reasonable interval of time has not passed.
If we are to charge a fee to action your request, we will inform you why this is and detail the amount and how that amount is calculated. You may of course complain to the Information Commissioners Office if you feel this is unlawful, but we would ask you to discuss this with us first by following the How to Complain section below.
How long will it take?
When you make any request, FSB will endeavour to action that request as expediently as possible.
The law requires that we respond in full to your request “without undue delay”, and “within no more than one calendar month”.
If your request is excessive, or our resources are significantly overburdened we are lawfully allowed to extend this by up to two further calendar months, but we will ensure to tell you if and why we need to do this.
Please note, these time limits commence from the point that;
- We are satisfied that you have the authority to make the request yourself, or appropriate authority from another party to act on their behalf,
- We have verified your identity, and if necessary, the identity of the party whom you act on behalf of, and
- Any feed that is due is paid.
In the event that the deadline to respond falls within a weekend or statutory holiday, we must respond to you by the last working day before that date.
How to Complain
Regretfully there may be a time when you are unhappy with something we have done, or are doing with your data, or a decision we have made.
FSB take your privacy and rights very seriously and if you are unhappy, we genuinely want to work with you to put things right.
In the first instance, please give us the opportunity to address your concerns by contacting our Contact Centre by calling us at 0808 20 20 888 or emailing [email protected] .
We will always try and do everything we possibly can to address your concerns, but should you remain dissatisfied, you may escalate your complaint to our complaints team by emailing [email protected].
If you still remain dissatisfied, you of course still have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at any time or seek a judicial remedy. Full contact details and how to raise a complaint with the ICO are found on their website at www.ico.org.uk.