What is a Local Skills Improvement Plan?

In September 2022, FSB was commissioned by the UK Government’s Department for Education to undertake Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. LSIPs are a key part of achieving the aim set out initially in the Skills for Jobs White Paper, which looked to put employers more firmly at the heart of the skills system. The goal is to ensure businesses and people have the skills they need to thrive and progress.

We understand how important it is for post-16 technical education and training to be more closely aligned with the skills needs of local employers and the local economy. Throughout the remainder of 2022 and into 2023 our team consulted far and wide with employers, employer representatives, key education providers, stakeholders and many others. The aim was to fully understand barriers and opportunities and transform local skills provision with employers’ needs at the very heart of the system. 

The range, availability, and level of key workforce skills, plus work readiness, has been a significant challenge and frustration for employers in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire for many years, so this project and plan is our collective chance to make the right changes. This is not a talking shop – this activity will generate real action through the LSIP which will benefit all local employers.

Stage 2 of the LSIP - Digital Skills survey

As part of Stage 2 of the LSIP process we are delivering the plan's objectives and monitoring how it works in practice.  We are particularly interested in the digital skills theme, given its importance to future innovation and prosperity. We're evaluating how our plans for digital skills are working in practice. Your input is crucial.

This short survey (15 minutes) will help us understand the needs of local businesses like yours.

Take the Survey Now

Your feedback is confidential and will help us ensure the LSIP benefits your business and employees.

Survey closes February 14th.