All small business owners welcome to meet, network, and learn at our friendly free virtual networking sessions

Event details

These events are held on the second and fourth Friday of every month and are open to all. We will be using breakout rooms to allow us to network in small groups and to grow our contacts and connections in an informal and relaxed way.    

The 5 Ps of Control When All Around You is Falling Apart

How would you feel if you were told you had to stop your business immediately? In 2017, Patrick Melville faced this unimaginable challenge. Just as his marketing business was thriving, and with a major project for the Financial Times in Japan on the horizon, he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Patrick’s world felt out of control. Forced to confront his personal major trauma, he found innovative ways to regain control over his well-being and his life.

Now in remission, Patrick uses his journey to inspire and guide others through Melville Mental Solutions, an organic business he built from the ground up. In this talk, Patrick will share the 5 Ps of Control, offering practical tools and techniques you can apply to your business as you head into 2025.


  • Recognise the vital role of mental health and stress in personal and professional success.
  • Learn how to regain control through the 5 Ps: Purpose, Perspective, Positivity, Practice & Patience. 
  • Discover actionable strategies to manage stress and build resilience in uncertain times through building your own Circle of Strength.

These events are targeted at people from small businesses across Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight, but open to anyone looking to grow their contacts whether they be FSB members or not. 

For help and support regarding this event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected]

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.