Work in hospitality ? Then join our sector specific networking group and grow your contacts

Do you work in or supply the hospitality sector? If so then why not join us for our new networking group just for you.

This group will meet quarterly and discuss the topics important to you and your business. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas and your views will then be fed back to FSB's Policy Team to help inform our national and local work to represent you. This will also be a great opportunity to make and cement relationships with other business owners in your sector.

Jennie Riding, owner of Artlegarth Country Lodges in Cumbria and FSB's Policy Representative for hospitality, will be chairing this session.

She will bring to bear both her own business experience and the intelligence she receives through her voluntary role at FSB.

Jennie Riding

This month we will be discussing the emerging trends that your business may have faced in 2023, as well as identifying which ones are on your radar to have a potential impact in 2024. Come along and tell us how you have managed the increase in hush holidays and bootiquing, the demand for concierge services and all inclusive packages, all whilst ensuring those all-important instagrammable settings. Join the discussion and also make some great connections in the hospitality sector.

Whether you are new to networking or looking for something more related to your work, both FSB members and non-members are welcome.

We look forward to you joining us!

Due to the very specific nature of this group we ask business owners from other sectors to join our more general networking events instead.

To enable FSB to deliver a high level of customer service at our events, and to tailor the content where appropriate, we will share your full name and business name with the host of the event you have registered to attend. The event hosts are representatives of FSB who irretrievably delete your details following the event.  Should you not consent to your full name and business name being shared with the event host, please contact [email protected] within three working days of the event taking place, with details of the event.

Event contact

For general enquiries regarding the event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected]

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Joining our virtual networking for the first time? Find out more about FSB virtual events and a quick guide to getting started here.