The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is coming. Book your place on this local focus group to influence the outcome.

Event details

The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is a critical new project being led by FSB to assess and realign skills supply and demand across Greater Lincolnshire & Rutland.

This Department for Education initiative will lead to shifts in the type and level of skills available to local employers. It will also affect change in how some post-16 technical skills and training are delivered.

The range, availability and level of key workforce skills, plus work readiness, has been a significant challenge and frustration for Lincolnshire’s employers for many years, so this is our collective chance to make the right changes. This is not a talking shop – we will generate real action through the LSIP which will benefit all local employers.

The views of employers of all sizes, sectors and locations across Greater Lincolnshire & Rutland must heavily influence the changes the report will recommend to local training provision. We aim to generate thousands of responses to our research calls – we hope we can include your business in our research.

If you are an employer of any size, from any sector within Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland, please book your place on this - or any of the other virtual or face-to-face session from this series - to help inform our research on this most important issue.

You will take part in the virtual focus group via Zoom by answering questions set by our researchers about your business and experience as an employer. It’ll all be very collaborative and friendly and of course, there are no wrong answers. We just want to know your views, needs and frustrations on local skills supply and this online format will allow you to get involved without having to travel.

This event is only open to employers from across Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland, but you can be from anywhere in that area and there is no restriction on your business size or sector, as long as you do employ staff. Numbers are strictly limited due to the format.

FSB has commissioned Lincoln-based independent research agency Habit5  (view their privacy policy here) , who are accredited as a Company Partner by the Market Research Society (MRS) (view their code of conduct here), to facilitate, interpret and report on the Focus Groups. The sessions will be conducted in accordance with the MRS Code of Conduct. Consequently, any comments made or opinions offered will be anonymised within the reporting of this and other sessions, unless a participant expressly wishes to have an input directly attributed to them.

The MRS provide a freephone* verification service for prospective participants in market research on 0800 975 9596. *Calls from mobiles may incur charges, please check with your service provider. Please be assured that any personal data you may provide in connection with this research project will be used solely for the purposes outlined above and held for no more than six months from the completion of the project.

Habit5 Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) - registration reference ZA214373. Habit5 Limited, Unit E29, Enterprise Building, Rope Walk, Lincoln LN6 7DQ. Company Number: 8585333. Telephone: +44 (0)1522 837271

Event contact

For general enquiries regarding the event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected]

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.
  • To enable FSB to deliver a high level of customer service at our events, and to tailor the content where appropriate, we will share your full name and business name with the host of the event you have registered to attend. The event hosts are representatives of FSB who irretrievably delete your details following the event.  Should you not consent your full name and business name being shared with the event host, please contact [email protected] within three working days of the event taking place, with details of the event.