Imagine securing paid work with your local council in Greater Manchester without navigating the Chest for every contract? Welcome to the new world of public sector procurement in 2025!

Imagine if your business could procure paid work with your local council in Greater Manchester to deliver a contract, but without having to go through the pain of the Chest for each and every contract?

Imagine not having to answer hundreds of pointless questions, vying for the same contract against much, much larger businesses, and spending days and days of your valuable time completing needless paperwork (only to not get the job and then no feedback as to why?)!

Join us for another short, virtual session where you will learn about a new procurement project FSB has been working on in GM with STAR Procurement, which will help place public sector contracts valued between £25,000-£50,000 from Stockport, Trafford, Tameside and Rochdale councils with small businesses like yours.

Event contact

For general enquiries regarding the event, please telephone FSB Customer Services on 01253 336028 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm), or email [email protected].

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.