Event details
Do you struggle with knowing what to post when? Feel like your content isn’t consistent & need some structure to your social media, then come along and get some expert guidance from expert speaker Caroline Wilson from Hot Toddi.
We will cover
- looking at any national holidays, national days & PR events that might be appropriate foryour business
- understanding looking at how seasonal planning can help launch new products or eventswithin your business
- creating a content plan for you business’s social media
Bring your note pad & your diary, and leave with new skills to create your 90 day social plan.
Water, tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided.
Thanks to funding from UKSPF, this event is funded for delegates by North Yorkshire Council and run by the FSB as a strategic partner. Preference will be given to Ripon area businesses as part of the Ripon towns project pilot, in the event of a waiting list, but all small businesses and the self employed from North Yorkshire are welcome to this in person event.
This is one of a series of events funded by UKSPF, find all of the details here.

Event contact
For further details regarding this event, or if you're interested in learning about how FSB benefits can assist you and your business, please contact [email protected]