Improve your productivity through smarter time management

This event is part of our Small Business Night School series where we are offering 8 sessions to help support you with your business.

These sessions have been chosen based upon feedback from our members and are all facilitated by experts in their field. Each one will have a workshop format with numbers capped at 25 to allow lots of opportunities to ask questions and discuss real life examples. Our aim is you should leave these sessions with some practical advice and a clear understanding of the way forward which is appropriate to you. You are welcome to attend all 8, or to simply pick those most relevant to your business. Each session will be held in October and repeated in November to enable you to select the date convenient for you. See details here.

Event details - Small Business Night School - Managing your time more productively

This workshop will give you the tools to manage your time more productively. We know that as a small business owner the demands on your time are many and varied and often things slip down or off your to do lists. This workshop is designed to give you some useful tools to increase your productivity and is designed to leave you with a clear plan of action. The workshop will be interactive and so there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss any particular challenges you may face. 

Our facilitator for this workshop is Alice Dartnell who is a time and energy management coach with lots of experience in this field. She specialises in helping you to get the results you want through having a "success mindset". There will be two identical workshops on this topic so please choose the day which suits you best.

Alice Dartnell

Alice Dartnell - Life and Success Coach

Attendance at this workshop can be counted towards your CPD target, set by your own professional membership or governing body.

Overall Learning Aims:

  • Learning from other business owners for best practice
  • How to manage your time more efficiently in your business
  • Optimising organisational skills in the business to stay on to
  • ‘Smarter’ working time management tactics and techniques so that better results are achieved in less time
  • Understanding what ‘energy management’ is and how to incorporate that into time management practices as a busy business owner

In-depth Aims 

How to stay on top and organised (so you stop waking up in the middle of the night worrying about your list of things to do!)

  • The secret is planning
  • Diarise EVERYTHING so the brain can close the “open loops”
  • Brain dump before bed
  • Allocate time every day to thinking downloading, brain dumping etc (e.g. my morning walks are so important for me!)

How to manage your energy, as well as your time, as a busy business owner

  • True time management mastery also needs you to look at your energy management
  • What is energy management and how to incorporate that into your time management
  • Top tips for busy business owners to work with their energy for maximum results to create a business and life you love

Working Smarter not Harder

  • 80/20 rule
  • You cannot do everything – work in your ‘zone of genius’ for maximum impact
  • Law of diminishing returns
  • Often, we are not putting in quality … distractions, procrastination, tired, making mistakes, not being intentional, scatter gun approach with no strategy!

Price for this session*
FSB members £15.00
Non-members £30.00

*We have capped these events to ensure that each paid delegate receives the best experience possible. Therefore each booking is for one person only. Any additional people attending would need to register and join via their own unique booking link.

This is an interactive workshop session on the Zoom platform and will not be recorded to ensure delegates can ask questions specifically related to your business.

Small Business Night School  series (click on the date to book)

Title October November
Marketing and PR

Tues 4

Mon 7

Get to grips with social media

Thu 6

Wed 9

Understanding your accounts and cash flow

Tue 11

Mon 14

Business planning for small businesses

Thu 13

Wed 16

Finding and converting leads

Tue 18

Mon 21

Making your business greener Thu 20 Mon 28
Pricing your products Tue 25 Wed 30
Time management Thu 27  

Event contact

For general enquiries regarding the event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected] or Lesley Burgess on 07816453559

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.