Join us to celebrate Wales in India year as it approaches its close, and to network with others interested in developing links between Wales and India.

*EVENT CANCELLATION* - Please be aware that due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled. Attendees with existing bookings will be contacted directly.

Event details

This event will highlight business opportunities still to explore and develop as Wales In India year closes, and will also give tourism based businesses in the area the chance to network with each other. The event is suitable for businesses involved in, supporting, or interested in both tourism into Wales and looking to develop other business links between Wales and India.

The past year has celebrated the links between Wales and India across art and culture, education, health, business and human rights, and as well as well as strengthening ties, it has helped foster new trade and investment opportunities, championed cultural and sporting connections, and cemented academic and healthcare collaborations.

The event is suitable for anyone with an interest in business links between Wales and India.

Speaker Information

We are delighted to be able to welcome Trygve Rees, International Trade Advisor with Welsh Government, as a guest speaker at this event.

Trygve will be discussing “Welsh Government Support for Trade with India, providing information about all of the export programmes and support services available to Welsh companies.

This will include exploring the benefits of exporting and advancing an established export strategy.

Tyrgve Rees

Got a burning question for our speaker? Feel free to share it with us ahead of the event, and let's make the discussion even more exciting!

What to expect

The event agenda will be as follows:

  • Arrival and Networking
  • Guest Speakers
  • Q&A Session with guest speakers
  • Informal Networking & Buffet Lunch

Additional Information

Tickets: £15

The venue is fully accessible and ample car parking is also available on-site. Located opposite the Stadium, public transport services also serve the area well.

Teas and coffees will be provided, along with a buffet lunch.

Please Note: For any tickets booked after Friday 14 February it may not be possible to guarantee any specific dietary requirements.  

Event contact

For help and support regarding this event, please contact Shona Holmes-Berry. 

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.