In-person event, bringing female entrepreneurs together, to address topical key issues, exchange ideas, and build connections. You will feel supported, inspired and empowered, all within a nurturing and supportive community.

Event details

We're delighted to be inviting you to our summer event for Women In Business - Lancashire and Cumbria. Join us for a relaxed early afternoon networking session.

We are looking forward to summery mocktail drinks at The Borough Pub, Restaurant and Hotel, Lancaster.


Del Parsons, Del Parsons Coaching.

Del Parsons Coaching supports female founders across the UK to attract, convert and retain high paying clients. Del does this through teaching the skills and helping women gain the confidence and self-belief to marketing and sales for their business.

She combines her professional qualifications with lived experience of climbing the corporate ladder, and then starting and scaling multi seven-figure ventures.  

Event details:
  • 12:30pm Open networking
  • 12:45pm speaker
  • 1:00pm Round Robin - introductions of yourself & your business
  • 1:20pm summery drinks and break
  • 1:30pm Open discussion
  • 2:00pm Reflection
  • 2:15pm Open networking 
  • 2:30pm Close

Tickets: £7.50 each

Your ticket includes a summery drink, please select your mocktail on arrival and it will be ready for the break.

Event contact

For enquiries regarding the event, please contact our dedicated Women in Business event organiser [email protected]

For help and support, please telephone our events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected]