Hosted by your local Development Manager and the topic of conversation is always open to discussion! Promote your business in 30 seconds, then network with discussion topics in small breakout rooms.

Event details

We would like to invite you to our popular monthly informal networking event. It's a great opportunity to network, meet new people, share and gain advice all in a relaxed setting.

The Yorkshire & Humber networking event will be hosted by your local Development Manager and the topic of conversation is always open to discussion! Support and advice is on hand, as is the opportunity to share your experience and expertise with other small business owners locally.

At this session: 

  • We will open the session by inviting attendees to give their 30 second ‘elevator’ pitch of themselves or their business. Allowing more time to get to know each other in our breakout rooms.
  • Elevators and introductions out of the way we will then break out into our rooms to get to know each other more. As for the topic of discussion, from goal setting, artificial intelligence, customer satisfaction, recruitment or the latest in social media trends – to name a few. Send in your topic ideas ahead of the event - or shall we take a vote?

New to your elevator pitch? – don’t worry, we’ve got you! Read our how to guide. And for regular attendees, what a great opportunity to perfect that pitch each time you attend or test out a new style or marketing tactic.

Held on the Third Thursday of each month, virtual networking is open to all businesses, both FSB members and non-members are welcome to attend, so feel free to share with your networks. Places at this event are limited so register early to avoid disappointment!

Please view our Privacy Notice.

To enable FSB to deliver a high level of customer service at our events, and to tailor the content where appropriate, we will share your full name and business name with the host of the event you have registered to attend. The event hosts are representatives of FSB who irretrievably delete your details following the event.  Should you not consent your full name and business name being shared with the event host, please contact [email protected] within three working days of the event taking place, with details of the event.

Event contact

  • For more information about this event, and if you would like to be a guest speaker at any of the local networking events, please contact [email protected]
  • For general help and support regarding this event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email [email protected].

Further information

  • To help ensure things run smoothly, please refer to our Events terms and conditions here.
  • We want all attendees to feel welcome - please read our statement on Diversity and inclusion here.
  • Please view our Privacy Policy here.