Generation Entrepreneur Report: Empowering UK Youth Business Talent
This report from Simply Business & FSB explores the state of youth entrepreneurship in the UK, challenges faced, and how to empower young business talent. It outlines the case for better enterprise education and support for future business leaders.
From Recovery to Prosperity
A small business manifesto for the next Scottish Government
Our Business is Wales
FSB’s Vision for 2021-2026
New Horizons
How Small Firms are Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis
Back to Business
FSB Northern Ireland General Election Manifesto
A Force For Business
Service leavers and small business
Brexit: A report of FSB focus groups in Northern Ireland
Discussion and key themes drawn from FSB focus groups in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry which took place in June 2018
An Entrepreneurial North
Helping Small Business and Entrepreneurship to thrive in the North of England