Bath businesses - have you seen this support programme?

Local News 20 May 2024

Help and advice is on offer for SMEs and sole traders in the Bath and North East Somerset Council area.

Businesses in Bath and North East Somerset area are reminded they have a raft of excellent workshops and mentorship help available thanks to the Cool Ventures group who try to offer a range of practical support for the local SME community.

The team offer….

  • A programme of practical Business Skills workshops
  • 1-2-1 mentoring & coaching for businesses from the priority areas such as Radstock and Midsomer Norton.
  • Lively Business Networking events
  • Specialised support for new and established social enterprises

You can find out more about the Bath and North East Somerset Council backed programme here.

*The Cool Ventures team also do a big programme for businesses in the South Gloucestershire Council area too – you can read about that programme here.


Meet the author

Sam Holliday

Sam Holliday

Development Manager