Photo: Barbara Gray, FSB member (Kinaraa CIC)
Following the success of the BIPC Lewisham Black Business Forum launch, the event which celebrates local black entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses was hosted by Bayo Igoh (Bigoh Coaching) - FSB member/volunteer for Lewisham, along with Veronica Hyatt, Service Development Manager at Lewisham Library & Information Service. BIPC stands for Business Intellectual Property Centre. Rachel Barham, FSB Membership Advisor for the Lewisham area also attended.
The Black Business Forum is held at BIPC Lewisham, Catford Library every quarter.
It is open to all black led businesses, whether they are startups, existing or growing, to provide support, expertise and to also build a local business network to draw upon. It is an opportunity to hear from Councillor Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills at Lewisham Council who provides inspiration, and news on the practical ways that Lewisham is supporting the black economy.
As Bayo Igoh says: “your network is your net worth … these events provide connections and support for each other”.
Photo: Bayo Igoh, FSB member/volunteer (Bigoh Coaching)
Find out how BIPC Lewisham can support you in your business venture and attend the next BIPC event on 22 May where another key London FSB speaker will be providing the main contribution. You can contact [email protected] from FSB to hear how FSB membership can benefit and protect your business locally in Lewisham.
Upcoming BIPC Lewisham events at Catford Library:
- 22 May, BIPC Lewisham Business Forum - Featuring FSB South London Area Lead – Gbemi Shitta
- 13 June, Kickstart Your Business - Business & Research Information
- 15 June, Kickstart Your Business - Get Started