Business Funding in the East of Scotland

Local News 26 May 2023

We look at the sources of funding available to businesses across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders.

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During the Covid pandemic, many businesses were able to access a variety of funding sources to help keep their business afloat but as Covid became less of a threat, these funds were wound down. However this period saw new challenges for businesses emerge, such as high energy costs and a wider cost of doing business crisis. The nature of business funding has changed, but what is now available for businesses in the East of Scotland?

Find Business Support and Business Gateway remain prime points of contact for businesses looking for support and funding and you can find out more about local support here:

East Lothian

East Lothian Council has a resource for business advice and funding here. Local support available includes the Tyne and Esk Rural Communities Development Fund.


You can find the City of Edinburgh Council’s business support page here. This includes details of local schemes such as Edinburgh’s Employer Recruitment Incentives. Further employment support can be accessed through the Capital City Partnership and the Job, Education and Training (JET) Programme.


Fife Council signposts businesses to a range of support funding through its website here. These include both loan and grant funding options, including the Fife Trade Development Programme.


Midlothian Council and Business Gateway Midlothian have a range of support available for local businesses, including the Midlothian Business Start Up Grant and the Midlothian Council LACER Fund. Full details can be found here.

Scottish Borders

Scottish Borders Council has a link to local business support resources here, and businesses in the Borders can also access support from South of Scotland Enterprise here.

West Lothian

West Lothian Council’s Business Gateway team administers a range of local grants, including Business Development Grants and a High Growth Start Up Grant. Full details can be found here.

If you have any questions about business funding in your area, please contact your local FSB Development Manager, Garry Clark, at [email protected]