We are once again sponsoring the FSB Agri Business Pavilion located near Gate C and will host a number of strategic partners through the week on our stand (AP16). The show always gives us a great opportunity to engage with members whether they are visiting or exhibiting their business at the show. It is a great way to get the face-to-face discussions and the reminders about the many benefits FSB membership provides. This year we will have our FSB National Vice-Chair, Melanie Ulyatt, attending on Thursday 11 May and she would really like to meet with some of our members so we look forward to you being able to share your story with her. The show is also a perfect way for our policy team to meet with representatives from the various political parties and with the local council elections on the week following, there is sure to be a buzz of activity and engagement on the many pressing issues our members face. We look forward to seeing you during the show and here’s a little reminder of last year!