Coming up in August: FSB Somerset and Wiltshire

Local News 1 Aug 2023

What's on in your local area in August and what you might have missed in July

Get involved and showcase your business:

Here at FSB Somerset and Wiltshire, we would love to showcase your business, and so we have launched a #MemberMondays campaign for our socials to do exactly this! If you would like to be featured, click here to find out how.

Somerset and Wiltshire Member Clinics

You can book a one to one meeting with Ruth, FSB Development Manager for Somerset and Wiltshire, to discuss how to maximise your membership and make sure you aren't missing out on any local support.      




August's Top Tips to Stay Safe Online

Every month we partner with the South West Cyber Resilience Centre (SWCRC) to highlight the latest threats or issues that you should be aware of to protect your small business this month. Read the article linked above to find out this month's advice.

FSB South West Quarterly Small Business Index: Q2 2023

The regional figures were released as part of the overall national FSB confidence report for the quarter which saw a more dramatic fall in confidence than has been seen in the South West.

Read more about the report here. 

Events coming up this month: 

We take a break from many of our regular networking events over August. Swindon and Wiltshire, Somerset and North Somerset, and South West Women in Business virtual networking events will resume in September. 

Webinar 1 August 11-12 How to fund and finance your innovative South West business 

What you might have missed in July: 
Ruth is always on the lookout for business support opportunities, hints, tips, best practice, networking, and ways to help you make the most of your FSB membership. Keep an eye out for articles that come out regularly on the South West regional page to stay informed of what's happening in your area! 

New Loan and Investment Fund: In July a new £200 million fund was launched to support businesses across the South West by the British Business Bank.

July's Tips for Staying Safe Online: The latest threats or issues that you should be aware of to protect your small business, brought to you by South West Cyber Resilience Centre (SWCRC).

Management training for leaders of small businesses: If you’d like to boost your company’s performance and resilience then why not join the 5000+ SME leaders so far taking part in the national Help to Grow: Management Course?

This month, Ruth attended the expo in Swindon with our area lead Angela. To find out more about what Ruth's doing out and about across the area, connect with her on LinkedIn.

Somerset and North Somerset:

Somer Valley Links Survey: West of England Combined Authority are consulting on transport plans along the A37, A362 and the A367, closing 6 August.

Supplying Somerset Council: Why not join us at a Somerset Procurement event and have the opportunity to find out how things work?

Somerset's Rural Development Fund: Somerset Council have been allocated £3.4 million of capital funding to support their rural businesses. This money is split over the next 2 years.

Somerset Digital Mentoring: Digital technology is an essential part of running a modern business, but it can be hard to find the time to make the most of it, especially when you are starting up.

Swindon and Wiltshire

Invest in Wiltshire Grants: Wiltshire Council have launched a new £1.35m grants scheme called Invest in Wiltshire, designed to encourage businesses in the county to grow.

Meet the team or get involved

Our Somerset and Wiltshire volunteers: Our local volunteers get involved with topical issues and help us to gather and collate member views.

Connect with us on our socials: 

We are searching for new South West FSB Membership recruits: If you know someone who may be looking for a new role, which gives them the chance to be their own boss while helping to support fellow small business owners and the self-employed to get the support and practical help they need, please forward this on to them.

What's happening in your local area?

Visit our regional pages to find your local FSB staff and volunteers, as well as upcoming events and what's happening where you live.

Find out more


Meet the author

Beth Doel

Beth Doel

Operational Support Coordinator