Coming up in October: FSB Somerset and Wiltshire

Local News 2 Oct 2023

What's on in your local area in October and what you might have missed in September


Get involved and showcase your business:

Here at FSB Somerset and Wiltshire, we would love to showcase your business, and so we have launched a #MemberMondays campaign for our socials to do exactly this! If you would like to be featured, click here to find out how.

Somerset and Wiltshire Member Clinics

You can book a one to one meeting with Ruth, FSB Development Manager for Somerset and Wiltshire, to discuss how to maximise your membership and make sure you aren't missing out on any local support.      



Events coming up this month: 

In person: 
National virtual events with local people: 
  • 3 October, 5:30pm: Making sense of AI for your business
    • There is much in the press at the moment about the huge impact AI is set to have on our everyday lives, but have you considered how it might affect the way you operate your business? Join us for this webinar to discuss how AI works, what we are already seeing it used for, and the best way to use it to your own business advantage.
    • Our speaker Peter Scott is a futurist, coach, and technology expert helping people master technological disruption, he will be speaking to us about his research on the current situation with AI and will be taking questions in the final part of this webinar.
  • 10am 18 October: Engineering, Manufacturing and Transport Sectors Networking


What you might have missed in September: 
Ruth is always on the lookout for business support opportunities, hints, tips, best practice, networking, and ways to help you make the most of your FSB membership. Keep an eye out for articles that come out regularly on the South West regional page to stay informed of what's happening in your area! 

September's Top Tips to Stay Safe Online, brought to you by the South West Cyber Resilience Centre

Aiming for Net Zero - 121 Support Business West is offering 12 hours of fully funded Net Zero support to SMEs across the South West

Is 'AI' a game-changer for small businesses - or should we approach with caution? FSB Development Manager for Dorset, Nicky Kildunne, asks if AI is a 'friend or foe'?

#LookCloser Programme of Learning - the Children's Society Prevention Programme The latest #LookCloser programme of learning sessions focus on a range of topics and seek to support professionals in their work to protect children and young people from exploitation and abuse.


Somerset Business Hub A one stop shop for any regulatory enquiries you may have of Somerset Council

Healthy Workplaces in North Somerset Lots of free support is available to employers and employees across North Somerset in a wide variety of health areas


Future Support for Wiltshire Businesses There are a number of schemes in the pipeline to support Wiltshire small businesses

Meet the team or get involved

Our Somerset and Wiltshire volunteers: Our local volunteers get involved with topical issues and help us to gather and collate member views.

Connect with us on our socials: 

We are searching for new South West FSB Membership recruits: If you know someone who may be looking for a new role, which gives them the chance to be their own boss while helping to support fellow small business owners and the self-employed to get the support and practical help they need, please forward this on to them.

Meet the author

Beth Doel

Beth Doel

Operational Support Coordinator