Coming up in September: FSB Somerset and Wiltshire

Local News 1 Sep 2023

What's on in your local area in September and what you might have missed in August


Get involved and showcase your business:

Here at FSB Somerset and Wiltshire, we would love to showcase your business, and so we have launched a #MemberMondays campaign for our socials to do exactly this! If you would like to be featured, click here to find out how.

Somerset and Wiltshire Member Clinics

You can book a one to one meeting with Ruth, FSB Development Manager for Somerset and Wiltshire, to discuss how to maximise your membership and make sure you aren't missing out on any local support.      


FSB South West Quarterly Small Business Index Q2 2023

The new figures – taken after FSB members and guests took part in the survey in the first week of July – reveal that confidence has dipped again slightly and the overall picture is still one that reflects the concerns that the economic situation remains very difficult for many small business owners and the self-employed. Read more and download the full report here. 

Events coming up this month: 

In person: 
  • 15 September, 9:30am: #TechTrowbridge Access 2 Finance
    • Whether you need money to help you to start your business, to grow it to the next level, or to help you survive; it can be difficult to know which is the right funding route for you. If you’d like to understand more about the different options come along to this event on 15 September in Trowbridge and hear our panel discuss the routes available to you and have the opportunity to ask them the things that would help you to decide where to apply.
    • This event is part of the #TechTrowbridge series of business support instigated by Trowbridge MP Andrew Murrison. It is being organised in partnership with Andrew Murrison’s office and Dr. Alison Miles, from the University of the West of England’s Bristol Business School.
  • 21 September, 2pm: How to Supply Somerset Council
    • Our 12 September event in Taunton is fully booked, however this identical event in Yeovil still has a few spaces remaining. 
    • Join us at this interactive event to meet and hear from members of the council's commissioning and procurement teams. You will find out how to know what contracts are coming up, how to apply for them and how to get on the radar for those smaller jobs and purchases which don't need to be tendered.
    • This event is being organised in partnership with Somerset Council and Somerset Chamber.
National virtual events with local people: 
  • 19 September, 10am: Why Your Business Needs A Book
    • Do you have a book in you? Writing a book on a topic related to your business can help to establish you as an expert in your field with a passion for your topic, open doors to new exciting opportunities, lead to new clients and also provide a source of passive income. Join us at this webinar and find out about the benefits of creating a book, how to get started, how to write it and then of course how to get it published. 
  • 20 September, 10am: Engineering, Manufacturing and Transport Sectors Networking
    • Lucinda O'Reilly from The International Trade Consultancy will be leading a discussion around the benefits of freeports and investment zones for small businesses and how to minimise your tax more generally when importing and exporting.
  • 26 September, 10am: Hospitality Sector Networking
    • This group will meet quarterly and discuss the topics important to you and your business. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas and your views will then be fed back to FSB's Policy Team to help inform our national and local work to represent you. This will also be a great opportunity to make and cement relationships with other business owners in your sector.
  • 3 October, 5:30pm: Making sense of AI for your business
    • There is much in the press at the moment about the huge impact AI is set to have on our everyday lives, but have you considered how it might affect the way you operate your business? Join us for this webinar to discuss how AI works, what we are already seeing it used for, and the best way to use it to your own business advantage.
    • Our speaker Peter Scott is a futurist, coach, and technology expert helping people master technological disruption, he will be speaking to us about his research on the current situation with AI and will be taking questions in the final part of this webinar.
What you might have missed in August: 
Ruth is always on the lookout for business support opportunities, hints, tips, best practice, networking, and ways to help you make the most of your FSB membership. Keep an eye out for articles that come out regularly on the South West regional page to stay informed of what's happening in your area! 

Ruth has been out and about across the area this month - with visits to Taunton, Melksham, Devizes, Wincanton, Weston-Super-Mare, Marlborough, Frome, Trowbridge and Bradford on Avon. Check out our socials and Ruth's LinkedIn to see more details of what she's been up to!

Kick Off in Business Courses - Kick off in Business Courses offer the chance to work with a start-up expert who will guide you through the process of starting a business or becoming self employed.

South West Enterprise Fund helps Somerset Start Ups - Somerset Community Foundation have launched South West Enterprise Fund which can be utilised to pay for the equipment, materials, stock and services you need in order to get your business running (you cannot apply for salary/your own living costs) from £500 to £2,000.

Raising Digital Engagement with students - Raising Digital Engagement at KS3 is a HotSW LEP funded programme being delivered by Devon Council across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. The programme is looking to work with local employers who work in digital.

The Somerset Innovation Network - SI-Net is a fully-funded programme for businesses in Somerset that seek to grow, develop, and collaborate with other innovative companies. 

Find support to expand or upskill your team at the job centre - Your local job centre can help with looking for staff, upskilling team members, starting up a business while on universal credit, and more.

Maximise your membership 26 September 12:30pm

This webinar will give you the tools to maximise your FSB membership or to give you the information you need if you are considering joining FSB. This will be an hour worth spending to ensure you’re getting all the help you can, when you need it most.

Meet the team or get involved

Our Somerset and Wiltshire volunteers: Our local volunteers get involved with topical issues and help us to gather and collate member views.

Connect with us on our socials: 

We are searching for new South West FSB Membership recruits: If you know someone who may be looking for a new role, which gives them the chance to be their own boss while helping to support fellow small business owners and the self-employed to get the support and practical help they need, please forward this on to them.

Image taken by Beth Doel at Stonehenge - in a guided tour! 

Meet the author

Beth Doel

Beth Doel

Operational Support Coordinator