Do you have the perfect Elevator Pitch?

Local News 22 May 2024

If you are new to networking or a regular attendee, you want people to remember you and therefore an Elevator Pitch is key.

For those familiar with attending networking sessions this will be a term commonly used but, if you are about to embark on networking for the first time, or indeed your pitch needs a refresh, then let us help!

What is an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a short, memorable, succinct description of you and your business, focusing on highlighting the key points with the aim to capture the attention of your audience and leave them wanting to connect with you for a follow-up conversation.

The name leads to the length the perfect pitch should be, this being approximately 20 to 30 seconds which, on average, is the amount of time a short elevator ride would take. Too long in length would lose the audience’s attention whilst too short runs the risk of not being memorable.

Elevator Pitch Image


Why use an Elevator Pitch?

It is a method used to introduce yourself when meeting people for the very first time and should be your go-to answer whenever asked what you do, highlighting what makes your business unique.

Don’t over practice your pitch, it should sound natural whilst conveying a friendly and engaging conversation, staying concise with the details and well-paced speech.

How do I create the perfect Elevator Pitch?

A good elevator pitch should be short, personalised, interesting and confident and it should lead to a resulting action from the person you are talking to, for example, they wish to find out more, arrange a 1-2-1, use your company for their services etc.

Take on board the following tips to make yours get the results you desire:

  • Know your audience and cater the content to include what is most important to convey to them
  • Include your name, your job role, your company, a brief overview of what the company does, who is your target audience and why you are unique in this field
  • 30 seconds might not seem like a long time but it soon goes, include the necessary information as concisely as possible
  • Don’t include too much technical jargon, this can end up isolating people rather than impressing
  • Be confident in your approach but don’t be arrogant
  • It’s not just what you say but how you say it, be enthusiastic and have positive body language – smile proudly as you speak about yourself and your business
  • Remember the pitch is a method used to introduce yourself, it is not supposed to be used to ‘close a deal’
  • Practice, practice, practice – practice makes perfect!

Example Elevator Pitch

Megan Moran, stylist at The CEO Style Society

“I’m Megan Moran, and I’m a wardrobe stylist for busy businesswomen. I help them take the stress out of getting dressed by cleaning out their closets, mixing and matching what they own, and shopping for what they need, ultimately saving them time, easing frustration, and leaving them feeling confident in their clothes. You can find out more and make an appointment at” 

(Example from