Does The A9 Matter To Your Business? Please Read On If So.

Local News 17 Aug 2023

If the dualling of the A9 matters to your business, please take part in this short Scottish Parliament survey to have your voice heard. Closes 15 September.

Click here.

The Scottish Parliament’s Citizen Participation & Public Petitions Committee has received a petition calling for action to be taken on the A9 between Perth and Inverness on road safety grounds. To find out more, the Committee’s Convenor, Jackson Carlaw MSP, recently chaired a roundtable meeting in Kincraig with local business organisations and others. Naturally, FSB Scotland’s Highlands & Islands Development Manager, David Richardson, was present to represent FSB members affected by the road.

A wide-ranging discussion took place – you may have seen it reported in the media 

However, quite rightly, the Citizen Participation & Public Petitions Committee now wants to cast the net wider to receive more feedback from the general public and business owners - from you.

There are three key areas of interest – please click on the links to respond:

  • Strategy For Dualling The A9

The Committee has heard that there are different ways to dual the A9 between Inverness and Perth. But the fastest way of doing it – dualling multiple sections of the road at the same time – could cause much more disruption. Committee members want to hear your views.

  • Impact On Business And Local Economy

The Committee is keen to hear about the impact road closures and delays to completing the dualling of the A9 between Perth and Inverness are having on businesses from across the North of Scotland that rely on the road (e.g. for deliveries, or as the main access route for customers). Please share your views.

  • A National Memorial And Road Safety Measures

The petition raises issues about road safety measures and the need for a national memorial to those who have lost their lives on the A9. The Committee invites you to read about, rate and comment on these issues.

We very much hope that you will take a minute or two to give the Scottish Parliament’s Citizen Participation & Public Petitions Committee your views on the future of this vital route.

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