Election 2024: Parties will need to compete for the votes of millions of small business owners

Press Releases 22 May 2024

The hard-working voters running the UK’s 5.5 million small firms are a large and motivated section of the electorate

Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement that a General Election will take place on 4 July, National Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Martin McTague, said: “Small business owners and self-employed people across the country will be looking for which party puts forward the most compelling pro-growth, pro-business policies to stimulate the economy and encourage entrepreneurship.

“The hard-working voters running the UK’s 5.5 million small firms are a large and motivated section of the electorate. A further 16 million voters are employed by small businesses.

“There will be fierce competition for their votes at this election, and those competing will need a convincing plan to bring down the cost of doing business, support small businesses to grow, and create the right conditions to encourage new businesses to start up. As the campaign begins, each party will need to put forward a clear small business offer or manifesto.”

Meet the author

Alan Soady

Alan Soady

Head of Media & Communications