FSB hosts US Special Envoy Joe Kennedy at Washington roundtable

Press Releases 14 Mar 2023

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) held a roundtable business lunch in Washington DC on Tuesday afternoon with prominent figures from the US, UK and EU.

Speaking following the FSB ‘Power of Small Business’ Roundtable event, at which Joe Kennedy III, President Biden`s Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs was in attendance,Tina McKenzie, FSB UK Policy Chair, said:

“I was delighted to welcome such a distinguished and knowledgeable group of people from the US, UK, Ireland and EU to our roundtable event to showcase the power of small businesses. It was really good to have Joe Kennedy III here, President Biden`s Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs, so that we could show him and all those assembled, a positive economic vision for the future, where we shift our focus from a 25 year ‘peace process’ to the next 25 years being about a building a ‘prosperity process’.

“The 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement represents a huge opportunity for a reset in relationships between the US, UK and EU. The fact that President Biden has confirmed that he will be travelling to Northern Ireland in the near future is welcome and will hopefully act as catalyst for enhanced economic ties between the UK and US, and the strengthening of business opportunities between the UK and the Republic of Ireland. We need to create a new ‘economic Good Friday Agreement’.

“The pieces are falling into place for what could genuinely be an exciting future for all of us. The Windsor Framework has been published and whilst people and businesses are right to scrutinise the detail, I genuinely hope that we will be in a position to move forward together.

“During our discussions I was very proud to be able to show the role that small businesses play in the economy of Northern Ireland. Businesses right across the United Kingdom have the people, the skills, innovation and drive to create wealth for all our people. What we need now is for the politicians to help create the conditions for that entrepreneurial spirit to be nurtured and succeed.

“We know the challenges, we know what needs to be done and now is the time to get on and do it.”

Media contact

John Moore

John Moore

Head of Public Affairs, NI

About FSB

As experts in business, FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services, including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in Government. Its aim is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.