FSB members get the chance to make their views heard more than if they were a small business operating on their own.
A great example of this was at The Growth Hub in Cirencester on 18 November where FSB chaired a round table discussion between members and Huw Pill, Chief Economist of the Bank of England, Malindi Myers, their Agent for the South West and Serena Kern-Libera on secondment from HM Treasury.
We discussed a broad range of topics from rent increases to the price of red diesel and the participants gave The Bank a great overview of how macroeconomic decisions affect our local small businesses on a micro-level. Each attendee has the opportunity to discuss how the current economic climate was impacting their own and their client’s businesses and we heard more from Huw on where he thinks interest rates might go as the Bank seeks to bring inflation back down to target and manage demand in the economy.
Thank you to the Bank for taking the time to listen to the wide range of views expressed and to the FSB Team in Gloucestershire for setting up the session.
If you would like to have more of a voice for your views why not think about joining The Federation of Small Businesses. You can find out more about membership here.