FSB National Chair, Martin McTague visits the North West to meet the team and tourism businesses

Local News 7 Aug 2023

The summer season has got off to a soggy start, but how are tourism businesses feeling about the outlook? We spoke to local members to find out.

Nestled amidst the bustling heart of an industrial estate in Heysham, Lancashire, Lune Valley Pods stands as a testament to the innovative spirit of the region. Situated just 5 miles away from the future location of the highly anticipated Eden Project North in Morecambe Bay, this member business is not only thriving but playing an integral role in shaping the landscape of Lancashire's evolving tourism industry. 

In the midst of the punishing summer show schedule, we were fortunate enough to catch a rare moment of respite with Lune Valley Pods' Managing Director, Sam Westworth, and HR and Office Manager, Carly Callon. Their insights into the challenges and successes of their venture offered a unique perspective on the state of tourism in the North West. 

A round table discussion, led by FSB National Chair Martin McTague and FSB North West Chair Holly Bonfield, provided a platform for business owners from various corners of the tourism industry to exchange views. Set against the busy backdrop of the workshop, located in a vast hanger-like building, the discussions shed light on the current climate for tourism businesses in the area. 

If you want to be part of the conversation and have questions that you'd like to put to Martin, why not join him online on 21 September, An Audience with Martin McTague.

The keenly felt issue of the predicament faced by enterprises bound by high-cost energy contracts in the wake of last year's peak prices was raised by several attendees. Coupled with increased wage costs in a market plagued by high vacancies, businesses found themselves navigating through a challenging financial landscape. The difficulty in filling skilled roles further compounds the situation, leaving many struggling to meet increasing customer demands at a sustainable cost. 

Accessibility and sustainable transport also featured highly on the agenda as a priority for members in their future planning.  Morecambe Bay Partnership updated the gathering on the exciting launch of the ‘Ways around The Bay’ website, which is an interactive, route planner for cycling, walking and accessible trails in Morecambe Bay. The Bendrigg Trust were also in attendance, who have been supporting disabled and disadvantaged people build confidence and independence through accessible outdoor adventure activities for 40 years. Member Phil Peel, founder of The Accessible Guide spoke of the untapped potential of the purple pound, widely accepted to be worth over £200 billion in the UK alone, and how tourism businesses can and are playing a key role in unlocking that potential. 

The stubborn VAT threshold remains a thorn in the side of business growth. Like many of our members, some still found themselves operating reduced hours in an effort to remain below the threshold, often on the advice of their financial advisors. While these challenges are undeniable, there was an underlying sense of resilience among the attendees. Despite the hurdles, many reported a buoyant atmosphere within the industry with footfall remaining high after the welcome Easter bump.  

Interestingly, many members noted a shift in visitor expectations. It appears that in spite of the rising cost of living, many customers are seeking more than just self-catering accommodations. The demand for serviced stays has grown, reflecting a desire for a seamless and hassle-free experience. This evolution in preferences has prompted many member businesses to adapt and innovate to cater to the changing needs of their clientele. As one attendee reflected, those who have embraced the need to adapt to the changing wants of their customers will thrive, whilst those unable or unwilling to are likely to find the future bleak. 

Our visit to Lune Valley Pods offered the local and national FSB team a valuable insight into the tourism industry in the North West. The round table discussion shed light on the ongoing challenges faced by businesses in an increasingly competitive market, but the prevailing sentiment was one of resilience and adaptability, with members showcasing the industry's capacity to weather storms and evolve. 

Lune Valley Pods stands out as a shining example of this appetite for growth and innovation. Their ability to tap into shifting consumer preferences and deliver a superior experience is a testament to their commitment to excellence, and the reason they won this year’s FSB North West Service Excellence Award. As the region braces itself for the arrival of Eden Project North, Lune Valley Pods stands as a pioneer, ready to contribute to Lancashire's tourism renaissance.