FSB National Chairman visits Gloucestershire

Local News 17 Aug 2023

Martin McTague discusses future of LEPs and key issues facing local businesses.

The FSB Gloucestershire and West of England team welcomed the National Chairman of the FSB Martin McTague to Gloucestershire to see and hear about some of the issues facing businesses in the area.

The local team kicked off the a trip by taking the chairman to meet the team behind GFirst LEP - Gloucestershire's Local Enterprise Partnership and the The Growth Hub following the recent disappointing Government decision to cut funding from LEPs (see the official FSB reaction to this is here).

This was a very timely opportunity to look at how we must try and work together to ensure the great work the LEP has done in the county to make the business and economic perspective at the heart of key issues is continued in the future. And, of course, it was an ideal chance to show Martin just how amazing the unrivalled Gloucestershire Growth Hub network is – it really is a jewel in the county’s business crown. Our thanks to David Owen, Dev Chakraborty and Sarah Danson for being so accommodating and facilitating a fascinating discussion.
  Talking of 'jewels', our next stop was to one of Gloucestershire’s (hidden?) ones – the independent Sherborne Cinema Gloucester run by FSB member Mark Cunningham. He told us the story of how he got the cinema together and his passion for keeping the facility affordable as a genuine community asset as well as the issues he has with subjects such as PR35 and the increasingly cash-less society. Thank you Mark.

We then visited the excellent office suite park run by FSB Gloucestershire Area Lead Russell Warner – the Westend Office Suites near Stonehouse, Stroud. Along with our FSB regional chairman Lee Nathan we talked to two great businesses based there – Market Dojo and bip (Business Insurance Partnerships) who told us of some of the challenges and opportunities they faced. Recruitment and skills came very much into the discussions – something FSB knows a lot about as it is one of the key issues raised by our members nationwide. Our thanks to Rob Cockle of BiP and Alun Rafique of Market Dojo for being such gracious hosts.

It was, overall, a very enjoyable visit and a real opportunity to give our national chairman just a quick glimpse into why Gloucestershire is such a fantastic place to live and run a business. And Martin’s view of the visit?. “It was fantastic,” he said.

Thank you to everyone for making it so....