FSB partners with Wiltshire Council to provide business support

Local News 16 Nov 2022

Announcing a series of short videos designed to help local small businesses with the many challenges they are currently facing.

FSB have been working with Wiltshire Council to produce a series of short videos designed to help local small businesses with the many challenges they are currently facing. Badged as the “Take TEN” series it is a play on the name of The Enterprise Network (TEN), which is Wiltshire Council’s flexible, subsidised, start up and incubation space for small businesses across the county. The videos are designed to be watched during a coffee break and are on topics which local FSB members have raised as useful to them.

Both Wiltshire Council and FSB will be releasing a video a week from Thursday 17 November until the end of the year via social media, but you can find all the links to the seven videos below. The speakers are experts brought in for their experience with small businesses in their specialist area.

For a series of longer webinars on some of these topics don’t forget FSB had an on demand page with recordings of the many national webinars we run to support our small business community.