FSB: Small businesses need breathing space as GDP contracts

Press Releases 13 Jul 2023

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in Scotland has this morning reacted to the announcement from the Bank of England that the UK’s GDP contracted by 0.1% in May. FSB’s Scotland Policy Chair Andrew McRae said

“It’s alarming but not surprising to see this downturn in the UK economy – for too long Scotland’s small business owners have been under pressure from all sides trying to make ends meet in an increasingly challenging economic climate.

“Today’s figures are a timely reminder that decision makers at all levels must do what they can to ensure that Scotland’s smaller operators are given the best possible chance to trade their way back to growth.

“At a UK level, that could mean looking again at more robust support on energy bills, and ensuring that plans to tackle late payment are progressed without delay. The Scottish Government can help too by ensuring that the recommendations of the New Deal for Business Group are translated into tangible actions soon to foster a legislative and regulatory environment that considers the needs of small business specifically.

“This is, as we so often say, a complex crisis, and its solution will be complex too. It’s essential that both governments do everything they can to ensure that Scotland’s small businesses are able not only to play their part in economic recovery but to continue to play their invaluable role in supporting local jobs and local economies.”

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