FSB tells House of Lords Committee that businesses need facilitation rather than gold plating

Press Releases 26 Apr 2023

Roger Pollen, Head of FSB Northern Ireland, gave evidence to the House of Lords Sub Committee on the Protocol for Ireland/NI about the Windsor Framework on Wednesday afternoon.

Speaking following his evidence session, Roger Pollen said:

“Business has consistently said that the rules governing trading relations between the UK-EU and GB-NI should be developed with them, rather than done to them.

“Business now has an opportunity to shape the way the Windsor Framework will be operationalised and we must not shirk it. Engagement will be time-consuming and doubtless frustrating but we must embrace it, and strive for facilitation over gold plating, to ensure that over-interpretation of rules does not create further barriers to trade.

“We called for business to be engaged in the development of solutions and that is now happening. However, there must be focus and urgency placed on this, with more structured engagement with HMRC and other arms of Government so that businesses have the time and capacity to make the required changes. We acknowledge that not every problem is yet known so it is vital that Government continues to engage closely with businesses to ensure we maximise opportunities and minimise disruption.”

Media contact

John Moore

John Moore

Head of Public Affairs, NI

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As experts in business, FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services, including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in Government. Its aim is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.