Welcome to Wales

Boosting the economic impact of tourism in Wales

The Welsh Government’s ambitious new plan for the Welsh economy, outlined in “Prosperity for All: Economic Action Plan”, rightfully identifies tourism as a key sector in the Welsh economy. Making a valuable contribution to jobs and growth in communities across Wales. The Economic Action Plan outlines a new approach to business support, and a changing focus in Welsh Government action.

FSB Wales has sought to better understand tourism businesses within our membership, and the support they receive from Government. We support the Welsh Government’s new approach, and wish to provide evidence to inform their decision making and future options for business support.

Our work was further prompted by the floating of a “tourism tax” by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government at the end of 2017. This piece of work has tried to understand initial reactions to this proposal, and offers some thoughts on its practicality for Wales.

FSB has carried out a survey of members, and desk based research in order to better understand our member’s needs and desires in tourism. This report lays out the results of this exercise and makes recommendations to Welsh Government on that basis.

Click below to read the full report