FSB Weekly Brief Newsletter – Friday 31 May 2024

News 31 May 2024

ELECTION COUNTDOWN: All of this week's most important small business news.

Small businesses respond to Labour plans for pro-growth, pro-business Treasury

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced the Labour Party’s plans for a more pro-growth partnership between the Treasury and businesses in a speech to business representatives, including FSB, and the media at the Rolls Royce factory in Derby. Attending the event, FSB’s Craig Beaumont said: “The key is the ‘how’ they will deliver on a pro-growth partnership with business - the detailed policies in manifestos, looking at late payments, business rates, and access to finance. FSB is engaging intensely on this for the next five weeks.”

Millions unaware of new voting rules: Small businesses can help

The UK General Election will take place on 4 July. This day will see one of the biggest changes in voting rules in decades as, for the first time in a General Election, all UK voters will need an ID to vote. Millions of people are unaware of these new rules, meaning they could be barred from voting. Analysis from the 2023 local elections shows one in five young people and one in five people from Black and minority ethnic communities were unaware of the new requirements. The Electoral Commission estimates that 8 million eligible individuals are not registered to vote; with this new barrier, the number could be even higher. FSB’s small business members can help make a difference by becoming a Voter Registration Champion. This is a three-step information-focussed initiative to remind and inform employees and consumers about how they can participate in the run-up to the next election.

Three steps for voting in the UK General Election
  1. Register to vote by 18 June at the government voter registration website.
  2. Know the rules: For the first time, voters will need to show photo ID at polling stations. If you don’t have an accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free Voter ID document by 26 June. Visit the government page on applying for voter ID Certificate or equivalent.
  3. Turnout on election day, 4 July.

Key dates to prepare for include:

SME AI upskilling: Funding deadline extended

Following pressure from FSB, the deadline for SMEs to apply for AI upskilling match-funding has been extended to 18 August. The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology recently announced a pilot scheme to subsidise the cost of AI skills training for SMEs in the Professional Business Services (PBS) sector. Through the pilot, eligible businesses can apply for funding for up to 50 per cent of the cost of AI skills training which supports employees in developing their skills and/or understanding of AI to be able to use it in their role. The pilot was launched following recommendations from FSB in its report Redefining Intelligence: the growth of AI among small firms. Find out more and apply for a grant.

Low Emission Zones rolled out in Scotland

The enforcement of Low Emission Zones (LEZs) starts this week in three Scottish cities – Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee – a year after Scotland’s first LEZ was launched in Glasgow, creating significant issues for some small businesses. FSB has been highlighting some of the issues the LEZ rollout is causing for small firms in the media, including in The Times, and The Press and Journal. FSB has published guides for small businesses in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Dundee, explaining the purpose and impacts of the LEZs on small businesses, the support available for small firms wishing to upgrade to LEZ compliant vehicles, as well as the concerns some businesses have about the potential impact on their operations, suppliers, and customers.

Filing self-assessment tax returns early

HMRC is reminding business owners that they can file an early self-assessment tax return for the 2023-24 tax year ahead of the January 2025 deadline. By filing an early self-assessment return, HMRC says that business owners have more time to seek advice from HMRC and have greater flexibility in their choice of payment plans, making it easier to budget for the upcoming fiscal year. All self-assessment returns can be completed online and are mandatory if you’re self-employed, have a total taxable income of more than £100,000, or need to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge.

One week to The Big Help Out 2024 – get involved!

Small businesses and self-employed are getting involved in The Big Help Out (TBHO) – the UK’s biggest volunteering event, taking place next week, 7-9 June, and supported by the Federation of Small Businesses and the Royal Household. This nationwide campaign helps millions of people volunteer via a website and app populated by tens of thousands of charities. Find out more and get involved at TBHO website and by downloading the FSB/TBHO business pack.

When a health and safety inspector calls

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published guidance on how your small business can prepare for a health and safety inspection, including what to expect when a HSE inspector visits your business, how to notify employees about health and safety resources, and the purpose of inspections. More information about inspections is available on the HSE website and the HSE YouTube channel.

Reminder: New King Charles III banknotes issued next week

The new King Charles III banknote designs will enter circulation on Wednesday 5 June. The new notes have the same visual security features; therefore, all denominations should be checked in the same way as for existing Queen Elizabeth II notes. The Bank of England published updated advice for retailers and businesses, with free training materials, showing best practice for checking its banknotes are genuine.

Small businesses in Wales should have support to transition to Welsh Government’s circular economy strategy

FSB submitted written evidence to the Senedd’s Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee on the subject of waste policy and its impact on small businesses. FSB will give verbal evidence to the committee's one-day inquiry into waste policy and its impact on SMEs in June which will focus on the impact of the Welsh Government’s circular economy strategy. Presently, the strategy has outlined plans to ban the use of single-use plastic products, introduce new waste separation requirements for businesses, and establish a Deposit Return Scheme. FSB has called for measures to support small businesses during this transition period, including providing SMEs with a detailed timeline to help them adapt, and for the Welsh Government to offer targeted support for those most impacted - ensuring that the guidance provided is clear and easily accessible for all small firms.

Cabinet Office and FSB host roundtable on women's reproductive health

FSB co-hosted a roundtable with the Cabinet Office on employer support for managing women’s reproductive health in small businesses. FSB members discussed how resources to support women’s reproductive health in the workplace can be made available and accessible and what role Government can play.

David Perry presented with BIBA Francis Perkins Award

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) named David Perry, chief executive of FSB Insurance Service (FSBIS), and FSB member, the winner of its 2024 Francis Perkins Award. FSBIS was established by FSB in partnership with Markel Capital Holdings in 2017 as a specialist insurance advisory firm for the diverse range of small business insurance needs.

Emelia Quist recognised for advocating for diversity in entrepreneurship

Emelia Quist, head of policy research at Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) was recognised in INvolve’s Empower Executive Role Models List 2024 for her work in advising FSB's volunteer policy champions, shaping the organisation's inclusive growth agenda and for advocating for diverse entrepreneurs in policy and politics.

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