Funding availability across South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and the Humber

Local News 26 Apr 2023

Many businesses who have previously applied for grant funding will be aware, that many of the European funded business support projects will be coming to an end over the next couple of months.

Now is the time to ensure you finalise your applications and make the most of what’s available and to make contact with local business adviser teams to see what’s on the horizon to help you and your business. 

Local Authorities and Growth Hubs are are continuing to provide support through their adviser teams and new sources of funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

You can find out more about your local teams and what funding is still available or coming up in your area, through the following business support local area links:

Your local Development Manager is working closely with local authorities and their business support teams to ensure our small business community needs are considered, and we continue to open up opportunities for business consultation on new programmes of support as they develop. 

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