Ian Ross and team push on through the challenges of covid-19

Local News 10 Nov 2021

Whitehead-Ross Education is supporting SMEs with free training and qualifications for their employees

Ian Ross (pictured, second left), Managing Director of Whitehead Ross Education and Consulting, recently met up with Sussex Development Manager, Martin Searle (second right) and Brighton and Hove Membership Adviser, Andrew Murphy (far right).

Ian volunteers for FSB, joining Martin Searle in his meetings with Brighton and Hove City Council. His business recently enjoyed its 9th birthday and now works across eleven locations delivering Government-funded education and social welfare programmes.

“During the covid-19 pandemic we managed to successfully continue most of our training online with tutorial support on Zoom,” said Ian.

At the time of writing, Ian’s team are back delivering face to face programmes across England and Wales with a team that has grown from 22 to 74 staff. Locally, Whitehead-Ross Education is supporting SMEs with free training and qualifications for their employees in the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership area and is a selected provider of employability support for the Government’s DWP Restart programme run by Fedcap.

Ian said: “I am really proud that my team were able to pull together and continue to support each other and deliver our programmes to our learners in such challenging times.”

Pictured left, alongside Ian at the firms Brighton office, is Amanda Pearson-Moody, Skills Tutor. 

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