Insurance Guidance for Small Businesses Affected by the Riots

News 7 Aug 2024

FSB Insurance service's advice for small businesses affected by the recent riots.

In the shocking disturbances of recent days, some small businesses are among those who have suffered damage or disruption, including some FSB members.

FSB Insurance Service has created some guidance for those affected, and on business continuity plans for those concerned that they could become affected if the disorder continues.

FSB Insurance Service Guidance

Now’s the right time to check your insurance coverage and make any claims you might need to make.

Insurance Cover:

Some policies will provide cover for malicious damage, riot and/or civil commotion. However, all policies are different so your Insurer/Broker should always be your first port of call to check what your insurance covers.

Government compensation following civil disturbances is covered by The Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA) but, not all instances of damage or loss that occur during a period of civil disturbance will meet the criteria for compensation under the RCA.

A brief guide can be found on the Government’s website.


If you have a Business Continuity Plan in place, perhaps now is the time to review it.

Make sure that entry and access points are secure, including loading bays and car parks.

Risk Check:

Look at your safety plans. It goes without saying to make sure that your staff are not exposed to danger.

Think about extra security you might need in the event of a major incident.

Business Interruption:

Think about how problems could affect your ability to continue trading.

Insurance might help if you lose money because you can't work due to damage or having to close.

Following Damage:

Notify your Insurer as quickly as possible

Take reasonable steps to limit damage, for example boarding doors and windows.

Talking to Customers:

Keep your customers up to date if there are problems with your services.

Clear messages can help keep trust and manage what people expect.

Following Rules:

Make sure you follow any new rules or advice from local authorities.

If you’ve been affected by the riots and are an FSB member, you can contact FSB Insurance Service for further advice.