Inverness-based ‘Scotvian’ Anete Licite loves helping people find their dream homes

Local News 6 Jun 2024

Every Monday, we ask small businesses key questions. Here we speak to Anete Licite, of Inverness-based Braveheart Property Specialists.

How and why did you start in business?

I call myself a “Scotvian” – a Scottish Latvian. I arrived in Inverness in 2013 to study architecture at the University of the Highlands and Islands, a massive and I think brave step to take, given I didn’t know the language.

A lot has happened over the past 11 years, not least my move into self-employment. I did so to achieve a better work-family life balance and now, while the work never ends, I can much better plan and control my days.

How did you get to where you are today?

Like many young people, going out into the wide world was like walking into a sweet shop – a lot of jobs really interested me but I wasn’t sure which to choose. So I did what many people do and tried a variety before finding what I truly enjoy and identifying my mission in life.

I started by studying business in Latvia before moving on to interior design, where I discovered a love for technical drawing. This led me to architecture school and eventually to Scotland to continue my studies.

My parents had moved here in 2004, fallen in love with the country and settled.

Over time, my passion for properties grew and now I have a great team around me in my new business, Braveheart Estate Specialists. We help people sell their properties and find their dream homes.

We also undertake property refurbishments and are always looking for great projects that require lots of TLC.

Who helped you?

Mostly, it’s my belief in myself. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

I must also mention my dear friend and business partner, Cristian Voinea. Together we are on a shared journey to realise our visions of making property transactions easier for people, and also of investing in properties.

Self-belief is vital, but membership of the Federation of Small Businesses gives me a much-needed safety net and sense of security.

To continue reading, get the full feature on the Press & Journal website.

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