June's Tips to Staying Safe Online

Local News 5 Jun 2023

The top three latest threats or issues that you should be aware of to protect your small business, brought to you by SWCRC

Each month we partner with the South West Cyber Resilience Centre (SWCRC) to bring you details of the top three latest threats or issues that you should be aware of to protect your small business.

This month they are:

  1. Look out this month for ‘restricted permission message’ (.rpmsg) attachments on your emails. They’re currently being used as a successful attack route: they’re protected files which you provide authentication to access, and that’s what’s being misused. Don’t open anything unexpected, and ensure you’ve got two factor authentication on your Microsoft accounts.
  2. Do you use browser extensions? A number of Chrome extensions have been found to contain malicious code: sometimes redirecting your searches, but sometimes more. Think about what you really need on your devices and uninstall what you don’t. Top offenders: Autoskip for Youtube; Crystal Ad block; Brisk VPN; Clipboard Helper; Maxi Refresher; Quick Translation; Easyview Reader view; PDF toolbox.
  3. Is your mobile device safe? One report has found around 9 million phones which come with pre-installed malicious software. The phones are cheap, and (for now) mostly found in Eastern Europe and South East Asia from suppliers who are cutting corners. The risk also applies to other connected devices. It’s probably worth paying a premium for something reputable if you want security built in.

If you like to get more support to protect your business why not register for a free membership with the SWCRC. They are not for profit, run by the Police and generally speak normal English not geek, so are easy to understand!

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Meet the author

 Ruth Lambert

Ruth Lambert

Development Manager: Somerset & Wiltshire