Making things in Moray - Survey

Local News 3 May 2023

To assist businesses in Moray to innovate there is a proposal to establish a Manufacturing Innovation Centre drawing on funding from the Moray Growth Deal.

The Centre would be tasked with helping Businesses in Moray to keep abreast of, and deploy, emerging technologies, leading to improved production outcomes and profitability.

An important part of making the Full Business Case is to obtain the views of businesses and other key stakeholders on how the proposed Manufacturing Innovation Centre could help them and the Moray economy. We would be very grateful if you could complete this questionnaire.

All information relating to individual firms will be treated on a strictly confidential basis and will not be disclosed to HIE or any third parties. If you have any queries about the research please contact David Reid, HIE Area Manager for Moray or Alison Sharp, Corporate Planner.

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