Management Training for Leaders of Smaller Businesses

Local News 18 Jul 2023

If you’d like to boost your company’s performance and resilience then why not join the 5000+ SME leaders so far taking part in the national Help to Grow: Management Course?

Designed specifically for smaller businesses, it requires the commitment of just half a day a week over 12 weeks, and it’s 90% funded by UK Government, so the cost is only £750 per person. This practical course offers 1-1 support from a business mentor, peer learning sessions and help in developing a business growth plan. It focuses on giving you the tools to improve performance, covering strategy, innovation, financial management, marketing, employee engagement, digital adoption and more. Any type of business can apply including social enterprises.  To be eligible your company must simply employ between 5 and 249 people and have been operational more than a year. 

There are places available on upcoming courses across our region from September, all run out of top University business schools.

For more information and registration, please visit: link

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Meet the author

 Ruth Lambert

Ruth Lambert

Development Manager: Somerset & Wiltshire