FSB Member Stories: Margaret Bradshaw, Red Button Marketing

FSB Member Story 4 Jul 2022

FSB member Margaret Bradshaw founded Red Button Marketing & Training in 2017 and has since grown the business to a team of five. Margaret shares what inspired her to start her business and the wealth of support she accesses through her FSB membership.

Margaret Bradshaw started Red Button Marketing & Training with a desire to help her clients see the effectiveness of connected thinking in marketing. “When I started the business, I was clear on my goals. I wanted to develop a software solution that enabled businesses to access connected thinking online and use a process to plan and track the effectiveness of their marketing output and track ROI.  I also wanted an accredited training programme that could be used as a franchise model,” said Margaret.

“I have found the legal support to be excellent and the backup of the amazing networking events has been so helpful. Making new contacts and sharing stories has given me the motivation, confidence and just feel good factor to keep going,” added Margaret.

Want support for your business like Margaret? Join the Federation of Small Businesses today.

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