FSB London welcomes Gbemi, Founder, Director and Multipreneur of three small businesses – Astute Academy and Homestay Limited, Aya'Ba Lifestyle CIC and Sweet Dough Things.
In addition to the many FSB Membership benefits available. Gbemi was presented with the opportunity to volunteer with FSB.
Gbemi explains why she volunteers: “Volunteering for me is an absolute privilege.
“It’s always been engrained in me to give more than I receive. Having said this, I’ve actually noticed that the more I give, the more I receive.
“Running a business can be a very lonely journey. Being part of a community and making myself available to that community by volunteering has been of immense value. I’ve met great people who are now good friends and a part of my much needed support network and in turn, this has given my businesses more exposure than I ever imagined.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go “together”, with people who will support you, your Tribe”.
In Gbemi’s new role as FSB South London Area Lead, there will be opportunities for Gbemi to meet with officials from London Boroughs Councils as well as MPs and to take these opportunities to be the voice of small businesses, to help shape local policy and support smaller businesses survive through these difficult times and ultimately achieve their ambitions.
Gbemi will have the chance to speak to the London media too.
In addition, Gbemi will work closely with all our South London Event Leads (FSB volunteers) who deliver virtual and in-person events – Outer South East London, Inner London South and South West London events. See the FSB London Events Calendar
You can see and listen to Gbemi being interviewed by Brilliant Businesses Podcast.
All members have the opportunity to volunteer with FSB.