Monthly Update – December 2023

Local News 4 Jan 2024

As 2023 drew to a close, find out what the FSB East of Scotland team got up to in December.

Festive Networking at the Scotland Office
Our regular Edinburgh in-person business networking event headed to a new venue in December, as we were hosted in the spectacular new Scotland Office building in the heart of Edinburgh. FSB Scotland Regional Chair, Pauline Weddell, ensured there was a suitably festive atmosphere, Christmas jumpers and tasty treats accompanying the morning’s networking and an appearance from local seamstress Nikki in her specially-made snow costume!

If you’d like to come along to our January event at Edinburgh’s Royal Highland Centre, book now.

Look out for our upcoming events throughout January:

Scotland Virtual Networking – 09 January 2024 at 1400

Scotland Virtual Networking – 18 January 2024 at 1400

Edinburgh In-Person Networking – 23 January 2024 at 1030

Scotland Virtual Networking – 30 January 2024 at 1030

Heriot Watt University
The team met with Heriot Watt University to discuss their Graduate Apprenticeships offering to small businesses across the country. Graduate apprenticeships are a ground-breaking initiative, creating degree-qualified employees with key skills tailored to the needs of business. The university is currently looking for businesses interested in apprentices starting in August 2024. To find out more, check out their website here.

The Dunard Centre
One of the key infrastructure projects at the heart of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal is the construction of the Dunard Centre, a world class 1000 seater music venue in the very heart of Edinburgh. As well as being a hugely important development of Edinburgh’s cultural offering, the building and operation of this facility will create many business opportunities for small local businesses across a range of sectors, including construction and trades, creative arts and food and drink. We’ll keep you up to date with opportunities as they emerge but in the meantime, you can find out more here.

The Courier Small Business Focus
FSB has developed a new partnership with The Courier newspaper to feature member businesses in their Small Business Focus feature, so if you have a business in Fife and you’d like to be featured, get in touch and we’ll take it from there. The first Fife business to take part, Scaramanga of Cupar, was featured in the paper on 11 December and you can read all about them here.

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