MSP Visits FSB Members in Keith

Local News 26 Apr 2023

Richard Lochhead, MSP for Moray and Scottish Government Minister for Small Business, Trade and Innovation, recently accompanied me on some business visits in his constituency. By Mike Duncan, FSB Development Manager, NE Scotland & Tayside

The town of Keith hosts a wealth of small locally owned businesses, and there’s no shortage of FSB members, especially around Mid Street, Regent Street and the Newmill Industrial Estate.

The FSB members and business owners who were happy to get involved were:






This mix of business owners took time out of their busy day to chat with Richard. They explained how their businesses were getting on, the main challenges they were facing, and highlighted some of the ways Moray Council, the Scottish Government, and the UK Government could help.

The range of issues discussed were:

  • Non-domestic Rates: Lack of clarity around removal and re-application for rates relief (­Moray Council Information)
  • Merchant Services / Card Payment Charges: High cost, increasing number of transactions, less use of cash.
  • Anti-social Behaviour: Broken glass and graffiti on side streets.
  • Taxation of Covid Grants: Treated just like any other business income, therefore subject to tax.
  • VAT Registration Threshold: Currently £85,000, but with inflation, raising supplier costs, and raising wage expectations, this should be increased (FSB: £100,000).
  • VAT Rate: Raised from 17.5% to 20% in 2011. Hospitality and tourism businesses would like to see it reduced for their sector, in-line with many other countries.
  • Recruitment: Difficult to attract people, regardless of skill level. After 17 weeks with no applications for vacancies, 3 new employees have now been recruited in the past week.
  • Real Living Wage: Business is already paying all employees above the Real Living Wage, but owners were unaware of accreditation available.
  • Training: Business is struggling to find training providers locally e.g. employee driver training.
  • Whisky Industry: Local economy not only supported by attracting more visitors, but also by providing services directly to the distilleries / large distilling companies.
  • Scottish & Southern Energy Network: Planning and construction work supports local businesses and boosts the local economy.

Thank you to these fantastic small businesses for taking part, and to Richard Lochhead MSP for taking their views and opinions on board.

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