Payment Solutions for Small Businesses: GoCardless Success Stories

Blogs 18 Sep 2024

Simplify your payments and boost your business. Discover how GoCardless helped businesses like Ignite and Coventry Swimming Club streamline their operations, reduce late payments, and increase revenue. Discover the power of automated payments for your business.

Ignite - Gym

Ignite gym

By combining fitness with fun, family-run gym Ignite quickly grew to 1,000 members within their first year. Realising they needed help to stay on top of managing membership fees, word-of-mouth recommendations led them to using GoCardless. They now use automated Direct Debit alongside Success+ - a feature that retries failed payments when a customers is most likely to have the money available.

“As we've grown, we’ve seen people that have either missed payments or struggled with payments. In just a couple of months, Success+ recovered £1,400 in failed payments and saved us about 10 hours a week of collections work."

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Matt Zina - Acting 

“My accountant was tearing his hair out because I had a ridiculous system to just keep track of all the money coming in through cash and standing orders, as well as my expenses. He just sat me down and said: ‘Look, you can’t carry on like this.’”

Acting coach and talent agent, Matt Zina, found late and missed payments becoming a growing issue for his business. On his accountant’s advice, he moved to collecting payments via instant upfront and recurring bank payments - a decision that allowed him to adapt in lockdown and even grow his business by 300%.

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City of Coventry Swimming Club

Late payments, inconsistent payment references and cancelled standing orders meant that the City of Coventry Swimming Club required dedicated volunteering support just to manage their membership fees. Using a combination of cash, standing orders and card payments left their members needing to manually pay the right amount at the right time and something as simple as updating membership fees could take months.

“Chasing people could feel like Groundhog Day”  

Switching to automated payments from GoCardless gave the Club greater visibility and greater control, able to enforce their no-pay-no-swim policy. It also resulted from a 21% increase in revenue.

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GoCardless provides simple and secure direct bank payments to over 85,000 businesses worldwide – from sole traders and small businesses to familiar household names. Their mission is to offer businesses a better way to collect recurring and one-off payments, helping them to get paid on time, every time.

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