Primary Careers Project - opportunities for the business community

Local News 11 Sep 2023

Do you have 20 to 60 minutes you could offer to a local primary school to inspire children about opportunities in your sector?

At the Careers Hub CIoS, we are trailblazing a nationally funded project, ‘Start Small; Dream Big’. We aim to broaden children’s horizons and aspirations to help shape the talent pipeline for Cornwall.

Authentic employer visits show children that ‘people like me can do jobs like that’; preventing them from dismissing sectors too early in life based on limited information.

If you are keen to influence and expand young minds, we would love to hear from you and can connect you to a local school that is excited about helping pupils link their learning and experiences to the world of work.

We have a range of resources to support you in your school visit, but it can be as simple as a 20-minute talk to a class or assembly, and you could even drop in virtually.

Young people who remember at least 4 positive employer encounters at school are 80% less likely to be unemployed in their 20s

Contact Sarah
[email protected]
07745 209845
the Careers Hub Team
[email protected]

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