Promoting Small Businesses on Somerset Day

Local News 24 Apr 2023

Every year businesses and residents across Somerset celebrate #SomersetDay on 11th May.

Every year businesses and residents across Somerset celebrate #SomersetDay on 11th May. At FSB we use the day as a great excuse to showcase the huge diversity of our small business community across the county.

An acrostic made up of the letters of Somerset, with FSB member benefits as each line of the acrostic.


This year the theme of the day is creating the biggest ever Somerset quiz. We are encouraging all our members to come up with a fun question about where they are based in Somerset and to send it to us by 9th May. We will then run a campaign featuring all those taking part with their questions and answers throughout 11th May. Somerset Day is becoming increasingly popular and this is a great way to both promote your business and to celebrate the wonderful county you are based in.


If you would like to take part please complete this quick online form and then email an image of your team or logo to [email protected] . You can find out more about Somerset day here.

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Meet the author

 Ruth Lambert

Ruth Lambert

Development Manager: Somerset & Wiltshire