Q&A on workplace testing

Our downloadable resource covers the questions commonly asked by employers and employees.

This document address the following questions. 

  • Who owns the data on the test results?
  • How should I agree plans for workplace testing with my staff?
  • What can and can’t we store on employee data about their test results? How do we do it correctly? What should we avoid doing?
  • Do I have the right to ask employees about their test results? What are my options if an employee refuses to share their test results with the employer?
  • Can I require testing of my workers? Can I say someone can only access a particular building / site if they can show evidence of a negative Covid test?
  • If my member of staff tests positive with a Lateral Flow Device test (LFD), do they have to isolate? Do I have to pay them? Do they have to take a confirmatory Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test?
  • I am an employer with fewer than 50 employees, can I access the national free test kit offer?
  • Where does responsibility for community testing sit within local authorities?
  • What are the timescales for The Community Collect service, as outlined in the roadmap?
  • Lateral Flow tests are less accurate than PCR tests. Won’t this lead to lots of false positive tests?
  • Do you accept that LFD tests can give false negatives?
  • Should employees who have been vaccinated still take part in workplace testing?
  • Can an employer mandate that their employees must be vaccinated? What position should I take on vaccines?

Click the link below to download the document in full.