Record Breaker?

Local News 6 Jun 2023

FSB member Adrian Ashton reckons he should be in the Guinness Book of Records.


He hasn’t eaten 35 hotdogs in two minutes (I don’t think) and he hasn’t laid in a bath of baked beans for a week (although I can’t be certain). But what he has done is even more impressive than either of these feats.

Adrian has produced an impact report for the last 17 years. Adrian reckons that no other organisation has produced these reports every year for so long.

The first report was produced in 2006, a year after Adrian first become self-employed. Since then it has evolved, the framework he has created has expanded. It is now looked to as a leading example of 'integrated impact reporting' and picked over by people all around the world.

Adrian Ashton says, “I've been sharing this 'warts and all' view of how I work, and what happens as a result of it, every year for 17 years. It is increasingly raising questions about how the context for how I work is changing.

“This years' has elicited feedback that likens its approach and structure to the professional revalidation that medical practitioners have to undergo every year to prove that they remain safe to care for patients.

“However, one comment I’ve received has particularly struck me – ‘17 years of impact reporting - that's dedication’”.

Adrian is very happy to hear from other members about how they produce and use impact reports. He also wants to hear from anyone who thinks they can beat 17 years.

Adrian Ashton is an independent freelance social enterprise and charity consultant/advisor based in West Yorkshire. Find him here

Meet the author

 Barney Mynott

Barney Mynott

West Yorkshire Development Manager