Scottish Government’s Green Industrial Strategy offers greater certainty, but more detail needed to boost business confidence.

Press Releases 11 Sep 2024

Commitment to timelines and available funding will help ensure delivery


  • FSB Scotland says greater certainty will help firms plot future plans
  • Recognition that small businesses will be key to delivering aims welcomed 
  • Commitments on timings and funding vital to ensure the strategy delivers

Responding to the Scottish Government’s Green Industrial Strategy, Andrew McRae, FSB Scotland’s Policy Chair, said: “We have long called for more certainty on the government’s plans in this area, so this is a welcome step towards giving small businesses the confidence they need to take key operational decisions. Our latest figures show that, unfortunately, confidence among Scotland’s small businesses fell back to negative levels in Q2 2024, so we need to be doing all we can to boost this back up.

“It is also positive to see the strategy recognise most of what it plans to achieve will be delivered by Scotland’s existing business base, that is overwhelmingly small and medium-sized enterprises. One of our key concerns around the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) has been that there’s not enough focus on supporting our existing small businesses.

“As the First Minister himself has recognised, there has been a tendency towards creating too many national strategies in recent years and not enough delivering results. A commitment to firm timelines and the level of funding available to deliver these aims will help avoid that trap, so we’d like to see the Scottish Government quickly follow up today’s publication with more of this detail. 

“While it’s good to see plans start to materialise for certain important sectors, such as manufacturing, it’s important we don’t miss the wider supply chain opportunities. Scotland’s small businesses are innovative and enterprising. Many are ready to diversify and grow by grabbing the opportunities offered by the transition. Taking steps to ensure these opportunities flow out to the wider supply chain will surely pay dividends.”


Notes to Editors    

  • FSB’s Small Business Index (SBI) for Q2 2024 found confidence among small businesses in Scotland slipped into negative territory, with the index falling by 17.7 points to -7. This followed the first positive reading for a year in the first quarter of 2024.
  • The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a non-profit, non-party-political organisation that offers its members a wide range of vital business services, including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice heard in governments.  Founded in 1974, FSB celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024. More information is available at
  • Micro, small and medium-sized businesses comprise almost all enterprises in Scotland (99%), employ 1.2 million people and turn over nearly £123bn.   


For further information contact:

Euan McGrory[email protected] - 07734 509227